How Automobile Industry Benefits By Making the Switch to IP PBX Software Solutions for Communications
If automobile manufacturers work in severely competitive conditions, it is auto dealerships that bear the brunt of the challenges. The competition calls for better customer interaction and service and customer satisfaction is driven by how well one communicates with prospective customers and existing customers. Standard telephone lines just cannot deliver the level of communications that current environments demand. Cost of operating the old generation PBX and limited features just make it outdated.
Automobile dealers have to be quick on their toes when it comes to responding to calls from intending buyers. They also need to be responsive to existing clients who may be calling for a variety of reasons. Fast response and resolution are indispensable. In such situations, the installation of IP PBX Software brings with it the benefits of interactive voice response, call forwarding, call transfer, call barge in, call hold and call recording. A chain of auto dealerships may have only one centralized number with the PBX software and incoming calls can be quickly and effortlessly routed to a specific region and person that translates to a happy customer experience. Continuing in the same vein, should a customer call after working hours he can easily leave a message on voicemail and get a response quickly. Sometimes a conference call may be necessary or an executive may feel like engaging in a video chat. He may be out of the office and may use the find me/follow me feature available in IP PBX to connect with the caller. Calls can be parked, rejected or forwarded with ease and one can set conditions too all of which can translate into a better client experience and enhanced brand image.
Automobile dealerships can do with a bit of quality control in their communication section and this is where IP PBX software with inherent call recording features and analytics help derive insightful data that could help them refine services or develop better strategies for the satisfaction of existing customers or to engage potential clients. Another added advantage of the IP PBX system is that a supervisor can listen in or barge in and communication between staff members becomes easy through intercom dialing while keeping a caller on hold.
Cost is a major consideration. Standard PSTN PBX are expensive to own and operate and come with severe limitations whereas hosted IP PBX software integrates into existing IT infrastructure, represents a one-time investment and brings with it a host of features. Even the cost of outgoing and incoming calls reduces drastically. A full-featured off the rack hosted IP PBX software is the right tool for auto industries to stay on top.